Archive for the ‘General’ Category

2010: SharePoint New Year’s Resolutions

Date:January 18th, 2010 Author: Tags: , , , , ,
Category: General, SharePoint webparts Comments:0 ;

A happy New Year to you – and 2010 looks like being an exciting one in the wonderful world of SharePoint

Here at Pentalogic we have a good crop of SharePoint New Years Resolutions.  We thought we would share them with you now – so that you can hold us to them if our resolve waivers down the line.

So here they are:

  1. Join a gym.
  2. Give up chocolate.
  3. Read “War and Peace”.

OK, so we’re never going to stick to those, lets focus on something realistic.


What’s In a Name?

Date:January 7th, 2010 Author: Tags: , ,
Category: General, PivotPoint Web Part, SharePoint webparts Comments:0 ;

Some of you may have noticed that with the introduction or our new website we also seen to have lost a product – CrossTab.

Don’t Panic!  It’s still there, we just changed the name.

And why have we done that?  Well with the exception of us here at Pentalogic, and a few hard core number crunchers out there no one seemed to understand the old name.

Not that many people seemed to know what a Cross Tab is. And if you Google it this is what you get:

“A Cross Tabulation – often abbreviated to “crosstab” is a statistical technique that establishes an interdependent relationship between two tables of values, but does not identify a causal relationship between the values.”


Phew, sounds like hard work!

Actually it’s pretty simple – it’s just what an Excel Pivot Table does – which is why we have changed the name to “PivotPoint” – which we hope will make sense to a lot more people.

Like a Pivot Table, Pivot Point is one of the handiest little data analysis tools you could wish for.  Use it to get a quick a quick and easy to interpret summary of the numerical data in your SharePoint lists.

Since we were somewhat lacking in inspiration when it came to finding a new name we picked the brains of lots of SharePoint users and experts.  The suggestions for PivotPoint came from Kirill Kirg in the MOSS group on LinkedIn.  So many thanks to Kirill!

And as always, if you have any comments or suggestions please do get in touch.

SharePoint PivotPoint Free Trial Download

New for 2010 – Premium Support

Date:January 6th, 2010 Author: Tags: ,
Category: General, SharePoint webparts Comments:0 ;

We like to think that the standard support we offer as a part of our licensing is pretty good.  We are after all one of the very few companies in this market place offering all customers free telephone and email support. All backed up by our full 90 day money back guarantee for anyone who is not fully satisfied.

However some customers have requested a higher level of support and for this reason we have now introduced optional Premium support, for an annual fee.


New Pricing

Date:January 4th, 2010 Author: Tags: , , ,
Category: General, PivotPoint Web Part, SharePoint webparts Comments:0 ;

If you have visited our website recently you may have noticed that we have changed our pricing.  Just a quick note here to explain what we have done and why.

Firstly we wanted to simplify the pricing of Reminder.  People often commented on how confusing the licensing structure was with a combination of server licenses and web part license packs.  So we have simplified this and also reduced the price, so that the price of Reminder now falls more in line with the pricing of other Alert enhancement web parts on the market.


Across all of our products we have also introduced 2 new pricing options, which we hope will help to make our software more affordable for a lot of customers.


New Website – at Last!

Date:December 22nd, 2009 Author: Tags: ,
Category: General Comments:0 ;

Finally our new website is up and running – and we are sooo pleased with ourselves!

As I am sure those of you who are regular visitors to the site will agree, an overhaul was very much needed. The old site has served us well for nearly 5 years now, but it was never going to win any beauty contests.

We wanted to improve the look and usability of the site but we also wanted to improve some of the “behind the scenes” functionality.  We have upgraded our content management system – which will mean that it is easier for us to keep the content of the site up to date.  We have also worked on our image management – so that even though the site now has a lot more going on visually, it should still be fast-loading for users, whatever part of the world you happen to be in.

newsite home page


SharePoint Alerts not working?

Date:December 2nd, 2009 Author: Tags: , ,
Category: General, SharePoint Alert, SharePoint Ideas Comments:1 ;

This is one of the most common questions posed in SharePoint forums.

SharePoint built in Alerts are one of the best used features of the system – but also one of the most problematic. There are just so many different ways they can go wrong! And when they do go wrong the internet advice available on how to put them right is very fragmented and often confusing. All manner of suggestions come up – many of then not appropriate to the particular problem the user is having.


New Setup Diagnostics Tool for Pentalogic Reminder

Date:December 1st, 2009 Author: Tags: , , ,
Category: General, SharePoint Reminder, SharePoint webparts Comments:0 ;

Customers tell us that because of the flexibility of Reminder, and the huge number of different ways in which a SharePoint installation can be set up: getting Reminder correctly set up and configured for the first time can be a bit of a challenge.

To help with this, in Reminder v1.7 we have added a Setup Diagnostic Wizard that will check for many of the common set up and configuration problems for you and suggest possible configuration changes to fix them.


New Free Licenses for Non-Profits

Date:November 11th, 2009 Author: Tags: ,
Category: General Comments:1 ;

We are pleased to be able to let you know that we are introducing new free licenses for charities, community groups and philanthropic not for profit organizations on all of our products.

We have always offered a limited free Community license of our Reminder product, but a review of all of our licensing has allowed us to extend all our offering to charities and philanthropic non profit organizations.  We will now have a monthly quota of free licenses of all of our products available for non-profit organizations.


SharePoint: Barriers to End User Adoption – and How to Overcome Them

Date:October 22nd, 2009 Author: Tags:
Category: General, SharePoint Ideas Comments:0 ;

Download our Free White Paper

It’s a relatively simple task to deploy an application like SharePoint within your organisation: the challenge comes in getting people to use it in a way that is consistent and productive.


Setting a default duration for new SharePoint Calender Events

Date:September 30th, 2009 Author: Tags: , , ,
Category: General, SharePoint Ideas Comments:17 ;

Tristan asked in another post

“When a calendar event is being created, I want the end date/time to automatically populate to 1.5 hours after the start date/time.  Seems simple, but haven’t found a formula for this yet”


Sounds like a pretty reasonable suggestion and the Calendar lists NewForm.asx already sets the Start time to the current time – shouldn’t be too hard, right?…
