Posts Tagged ‘Office 365’

SPBiz – SharePoint conference for Business and Power Users!

Date:June 9th, 2015 Author: Tags: , , , ,
Category: SharePoint Ideas, SharePoint Online / 365 / Cloud, Training Comments:3 ;

As with any technology a successfully SharePoint implementation relies just as much on the business and ‘softer’ user adoption skills as the technical aspects. Which is why I’ve always found it strange that there are huge amounts of great technical resources (books, examples, best-practices, blogs, conferences etc) but far less aimed at business and power users.

The free on-line SPBiz conference is going to balance this a little with its focus on the needs of SharePoint Business and Power Users. There is still some great technical content in there but the focus is on empowering the less technical audience with resources to get things done and make SharePoint a success.

Just some of the sessions at SPBiz!

  • Create a GTD Dashboard in Office 365 to “Get Things Done”
  • Want to use SharePoint for internal communications?
  • Secrets of Successful SharePoint Intranets
  • How to build a knowledge sharing culture
  • Strategies to Deliver Successful Employee Portals
  • Leverage SharePoint 2013 for Better Collaborative Project Management
  • How to be productive with Office 365
  • Change business processes into easy SharePoint workflows
  • Find out about the best “no-code” solutions for SharePoint
  • SharePoint Governance 101

June 17th and 18th – Free and Online.

Register Today for free or browse the Agenda for Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th.


New Office 365 App for Reminder 365

Date:November 21st, 2013 Author: Tags: , , ,
Category: Reminder 365, SharePoint Alert, SharePoint Free Tools, SharePoint Online / 365 / Cloud Comments:1 ;

You can now use Reminder 365 (which provides overdue/customisable alerts for Office 365) by installing our new free app from the Office 365 App Store:


This makes getting started with Reminder 365 even easier than before!

How do I use it?

Once you’ve installed the app, you can either click the app icon under Site Contents:


Or you can add/view alerts directly from your list or library:


What are the benefits?

Instead of creating an account, verifying your e-mail address, and entering your O365 login credentials, you can just install the app on your site (or site collection).

Clicking the app automatically authorises R365 to send alerts from your lists on your behalf – no account to setup and no passwords to remember.

Try it out!

Install the Reminder 365 app and try it out using your free account:


Contract renewals in Office 365

Date:April 30th, 2013 Author: Tags: , , , , , ,
Category: Reminder 365, SharePoint Alert, SharePoint Online / 365 / Cloud Comments:0 ;

Reminder 365

Remembering to check when contracts are up for renewal can be a chore. Instead of waiting for someone to nag you about it, beat them to it with your own monthly reminder e-mail.

Here’s how you’d set it up

Select your list and view:

Choose list

Then choose when you’d like the e-mails sent. Here we’ve set them up for the first Monday of each month:

Pick schedule

Next choose “Items due before next check” and the column with the renewal date in. This will send e-mails for renewals due this month:

Send alerts for

Give the e-mails a subject and some explanation in the header. We’ve chosen to end the e-mails to HR and copy in the manager:


Give it a name, save it, and that’s it! Reminder 365 will start delivering e-mails like this every month:

Example email



Sales follow-ups in Office 365

Date:April 30th, 2013 Author: Tags: , , , , , ,
Category: Reminder 365, SharePoint Alert, SharePoint Online / 365 / Cloud Comments:0 ;

banner (2)

If you’ve got a list of potential or current customers, it’s likely you’ll want to keep in regular contact with them (especially in the case of sales leads). So skip making checking the list every morning, and just get a summary e-mail of today’s contacts. That’s less time logging in or messing around trying to use SharePoint from a mobile phone, and more time making calls.

Here’s how you’d set it up

Select your list and view:

Choose list

Then choose when you’d like the e-mails sent:

Pick schedule

Next choose "Items due before next check" and the column with the next contact date in (this will send e-mails for contacts due today):

Send alerts for

Then give the e-mails a subject, header, and a motivational footer like ours:


Above we’ve chosen to send e-mails to the assigned Agent, CC-ing the manager. Give it a name, save it, and that’s it! Reminder 365 will start delivering e-mails like this every morning:

 Example email



Meeting reminders in Office 365

Date:April 30th, 2013 Author: Tags: , , , , , ,
Category: Reminder 365, SharePoint Alert, SharePoint Online / 365 / Cloud Comments:0 ;

Reminder 365

Want to send reminders of all your meetings, without having to manually set them up in Outlook? Reminder 365 can send all attendees a summary of all of their meetings today first thing in the morning.

Here’s how you’d set it up

Select your calendar and the All Events view:

 Choose list


Then choose when you’d like the e-mails sent:

Pick schedule

Next choose "Items due before next check" and the meeting start time:

Send alerts for

Then give the e-mails a subject (and optional header/footer), and choose to send them to the attendees:


Just name your alert, save it, and that’s it! Everyone now gets meeting reminders like the below every day: It’s that easy.

 Example email



Reminder 365: Date-based alerts for Office 365

Date:April 26th, 2013 Author: Tags: , , , , , ,
Category: SharePoint Alert, SharePoint Online / 365 / Cloud, SharePoint Reminder Comments:0 ;

Reminder 365 is now available! Sign up today for your free account!

What is it?

Our Reminder web part has been extremely popular for those using the on-premises version of SharePoint but its not been available for those of you on Office 365 / SharePoint Online. Now we have a version of Reminder especially for SharePoint Online customers.

Reminder 365 builds on SharePoint Online’s built-in alerts, so you can get more from Office 365:

tick Create alerts for due or overdue items
tick Customize alert e-mails
tick Send daily, weekly, or monthly summaries
tick Free to use: Upgrade if and when you want
tick No installation: Just sign up and go

What’s it for?

Here are some of the things our beta testers used Reminder 365 for:

Why not see what it could do for you:


Reminder 365 – Overdue alerts for Office 365

Date:March 6th, 2013 Author: Tags: , , , , , , ,
Category: SharePoint Alert, SharePoint Online / 365 / Cloud Comments:0 ;


Reminder 365 is now in beta! Sign up now to try it for free:

Customisable and data-based alerts for Office 365 / SharePoint Online

What is Reminder 365?

Our new hosted product for Office 365 (aka SharePoint Online) that allows you to send alerts for:

  • Items that are due soon: Send a daily nag e-mail to task assignees
  • Overdue items: Let managers know what’s gone overdue this week
  • All items on a view: Get summaries every month of new documents

There’s no installation: Just sign up on the site and you’re good to go.

How much does it cost?

Reminder 365 is free during beta. Final pricing has not yet been decided.

How long will the beta last?

We intend to run the beta for between 3-6 weeks. So the sooner you start, the better!

Are there any perks to being a beta tester?

You get a chance to shape the product before it’s released to the general public. We’re not ruling out discounts for active beta testers, but since we haven’t finalised the pricing we don’t yet know what we’d be discounting!

I’ve got an idea, request, or bug I need to tell you about!

Please do! You can contact us at: [email protected]


Join the Reminder 365 beta!

SharePoint Online – options for email enabled document libraries and lists.

Date:August 18th, 2012 Author: Tags: , , ,
Category: General, SharePoint Online / 365 / Cloud Comments:2 ;

“Email enabled document libraries” are a popular feature in SharePoint – you can send email to a specific address and the email gets put into a document library or list.

This feature isn’t supported in the hosted version of SharePoint (SharePoint Online / Office 365 or BPOS) but there are 3rd party apps that enable this.

A SaaS app that allows rules for what happens to the emails based on email address, content, attachments and promote email content to list meta data. Currently in limited beta, pricing not decided.

Runs as an application on a local workstation and moves emails from an Exchange Online mailbox to SharePoint Online list according to user defined rules. Free to use – support provided if you set MessageOps as ‘partner of record’.

SaaS app to to provide email enabled document libraries with options to store attachments away from SharePoint storage. Pricing not disclosed.

Desktop program that runs in the background on a user’s computer and move emails from Outlook 2007/2010 folders into SharePoint online or on-premises. From $165 per profile (folder/incoming email address).