New for 2010 – Premium Support

Date:January 6th, 2010 Author: Tags: ,
Category: General, SharePoint webparts Comments:0 ;

We like to think that the standard support we offer as a part of our licensing is pretty good.  We are after all one of the very few companies in this market place offering all customers free telephone and email support. All backed up by our full 90 day money back guarantee for anyone who is not fully satisfied.

However some customers have requested a higher level of support and for this reason we have now introduced optional Premium support, for an annual fee.

The main benefits of Premium support over and above our standard support package are guaranteed response times on support calls and free major version upgrades. The major version upgrades could well prove to be particularly useful as we are planning new major version releases or both Planner and Reminder in 2010.

You can see full details of our Standard and Premium Support packages here.  If you are an existing customer and would like to upgrade to Premium Support please contact [email protected] for a quote.

Whilst Premium Support will offer an enhanced service we would like to reassure you all that we remain committed to offering the highest possible standard of support to everyone: Premium Support Subscribers, standard license holders and those using the trial versions.

As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions on this new service.

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