Archive for the ‘SharePoint webparts’ Category

New version of SharePoint Planner webpart (2.5.4)

Date:July 7th, 2009 Author: Tags: , ,
Category: SharePoint Planner, SharePoint webparts Comments:0 ;

A new version (2.5.4) of SharePoint Planner webpart is available to download with the following minor changes :-

  • The Mark Weekends feature will now pick up your non working days and hours from SharePoints Regional Settings (WSS 3.0 / MOSS 2007 only)
  • The This Week period settings will pick up the start of the week from regional settings

Regional Setting in WSS3.0

Regional Setting in WSS3.0

You can simply download and install the new version – there is no need to remove the old version first.

Thanks to Michael C and Michael S for these suggestions!


New version of SharePoint Planner Webpart (2.5.3)

Date:June 15th, 2009 Author: Tags: , ,
Category: SharePoint Planner, SharePoint webparts Comments:0 ;

A new version (2.5.3) of SharePoint Planner is available to download with the following changes :-

  • Milestones are now colour coded along with Timelines
  • Correction to an error that occurred if a users regional settings (e.g. dd-mm-yyyyy) were different to a sites (e.g. mm-dd-yyyy).

You can simply download and install the new version – there is no need to remove the old version first.

SharePoint Reminder Webpart – Setting a variable Due In or Overdue By time

Date:June 12th, 2009 Author: Tags: , , ,
Category: Calculated Columns, SharePoint Reminder, SharePoint webparts Comments:2 ;

When you normally setup SharePoint Reminder webpart you can specify to send an email alert when a date is Due In X days or Overdue by X days

When column Service Date is due in 5 days

One fairly common requirement amongst users of Reminder is the ability to set variable ‘Due In’ or ‘Overdue By’ times. For example lets imagine the scenario of a company using SharePoint and Reminder to help control the servicing of various pieces of equipment.


SharePoint Planner Webpart – New Version 2.5.0 Now Available

Date:March 10th, 2009 Author: Tags: , ,
Category: General, SharePoint Planner, SharePoint webparts Comments:0 ;

A new version (2.5.0) of SharePoint Planner Webpart is available to download.

The main change is the interface has been fully localized in French.

In addition :-

  • New feature to automatically default the web parts Title to the name of the source list and link to the lists default view (WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 only). Both of these settings can be overridden if required using the toolparts Appearance > Title and Advanced > Title URL settings.
  • Correction to an error that stopped the By Category view grouping correctly if you were using a User lookup field with presence enabled.

You can simply download and install the new vesion – there is no need to remove the old version first.

Opps! – DST Bug corrected in World Time web part

Date:March 8th, 2009 Author: Tags: , ,
Category: SharePoint webparts, World Time web part Comments:0 ;

The World Time web part is free web part for SharePoint that enables you to show the current date and time in different timezones.

World time web part for SharePoint

World Time web part

In the last few days we have become aware of a bug that causes it to enter and leave Daylight Savings Time (DST) early, thereby showing the time as an hour too fast (or too slow) for about a week around the time DST starts and ends.

An updated version (1.0.3) that corrects this error is available to download. To upgrade simply install the new version over the top of the old version.

Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused – If you want to know the technical details around this problem then read on…

To find out the date that DST time starts and ends the World Time web part uses SharePont’s API and its time zone information for the current site (Microsoft.SharePoint.SPTimeZoneInformation.DaylightDate) which, according to the SharePoint SDK documentation “Gets the date on which daylight time begins for the time zone as a Date object that has day/month/year.

So for this year it returns a date of “2009-03-02” for most of the North American time zones. But this year DST starts on the 8th of March, not the 2nd.

Digging deeper this article explains how to modify the Timezone.xml file (where SharePoint stores its time zone information) and explains.

“Day represents the nth week of the month when standard time or daylight saving time starts, where n is a number that represents the transition day. If the transition day occurs on a Sunday, the value 1 indicates the first Sunday of the month. The value 2 indicates the second Sunday of the month, and so on. The value 5 indicates the last Sunday of the month.

SharePoint CrossTab Web Part – Coming Soon!

Date:March 5th, 2009 Author: Tags: , , ,
Category: General, PivotPoint Web Part, SharePoint webparts Comments:0 ;

CrossTab Web Part - Pivot tables for SharePoint

Update: CrossTab has now been renamed Pivotpoint

This web part gives a CrossTab view of a SharePoint® list helping you to summarize and analyze data.

(CrossTabs are more commonly known from Microsoft Excel® as a Pivot Tables –

Working Days, Weekdays and Holidays in SharePoint Calculated Columns

Date:November 21st, 2008 Author: Tags: , , ,
Category: Calculated Columns, SharePoint Ideas, SharePoint Reminder, SharePoint webparts Comments:35 ;

AcmeCorp aim to reply to customer complaints within 3 working days. They plan to use SharePoint Reminder webpart to alert managers when these targets are not being met.

We have a list with the following information

ID Title Date Received Reply Due Reply Sent
1 Order hasn’t arrived Friday 7/Nov/08 Wed 12/Nov/08
2 Order missing items Monday 10/Nov/08 Thursday 11/Nov/08

Once we have this table we could make a View with a filter to only show records that don’t yet have a Reply Sent date (i.e. they have not been dealt with) and then configure a Reminder web part to watch this view and send out emails when the Reply Due date is overdue.


Adding gridlines to the SharePoint Planner webpart Gantt chart

Date:October 30th, 2008 Author: Tags: , , ,
Category: SharePoint Planner, SharePoint webparts Comments:0 ;

Update – an option to use horizontal gridlines has now been built into version 2.4

Alessandro from Italy contacted us wanting to know if there was a way of adding gridlines to SharePoint Planner so it’s easier to visually connect up the column on the left with the corresponding timeline.

With a few Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) ninja moves you can change the display from something like this.

Planner Gridlines Example

The following snippet does the trick and can be added to an individual page using a Content Editor Web Part thereby changing just the Planner web parts that appear on that page.

DIV.SharePointPlanner2 TABLE.plgx_Default TR TD
border-bottom : 1px solid #B9D1F4;

Alternatively you can add it to the SharePointPlanner.css file that all planner web parts use or download one that’s already been edited. There can be multiple copies of this file depending on how you install SharePoint and Planner and they can be in different places so it’s best to do a file search and replace them all.
