Posts Tagged ‘Reminder’

SharePoint Reminder Webpart – Setting a variable Due In or Overdue By time

Date:June 12th, 2009 Author: Tags: , , ,
Category: Calculated Columns, SharePoint Reminder, SharePoint webparts Comments:2 ;

When you normally setup SharePoint Reminder webpart you can specify to send an email alert when a date is Due In X days or Overdue by X days

When column Service Date is due in 5 days

One fairly common requirement amongst users of Reminder is the ability to set variable ‘Due In’ or ‘Overdue By’ times. For example lets imagine the scenario of a company using SharePoint and Reminder to help control the servicing of various pieces of equipment.


Working Days, Weekdays and Holidays in SharePoint Calculated Columns

Date:November 21st, 2008 Author: Tags: , , ,
Category: Calculated Columns, SharePoint Ideas, SharePoint Reminder, SharePoint webparts Comments:35 ;

AcmeCorp aim to reply to customer complaints within 3 working days. They plan to use SharePoint Reminder webpart to alert managers when these targets are not being met.

We have a list with the following information

ID Title Date Received Reply Due Reply Sent
1 Order hasn’t arrived Friday 7/Nov/08 Wed 12/Nov/08
2 Order missing items Monday 10/Nov/08 Thursday 11/Nov/08

Once we have this table we could make a View with a filter to only show records that don’t yet have a Reply Sent date (i.e. they have not been dealt with) and then configure a Reminder web part to watch this view and send out emails when the Reply Due date is overdue.
