Posts Tagged ‘Partners’

New SharePoint Partnership – Pentalogic and LookOut Software

Date:April 9th, 2010 Author: Tags: , , , ,
Category: General, Partners Comments:0 ;
We are really pleased to let you know about our latest Strategic Partnership with a SharePoint relationship management development company, LookOut Software of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Lookout_logo_sml


LookOut has been in the CRM software business since 1994.  In 2007 they were introduced to SharePoint and made the decision to change development platforms and haven’t looked back since.


SharePoint Partner Perspective: Veronique Palmer

Date:April 1st, 2010 Author: Tags: , ,
Category: General, Partners, Training Comments:1 ;

This is the first in a series of interviews with our partners  – giving insights into what’s happening in their part of the world and in their part of the world of SharePoint.

And our first interviewee is Veronique Palmer.

We first met Veronique in discussions on the SharePoint Experts Group on LinkedIn, which she co-manages and moderates.  Veronique is based in Johannesburg, South Africa and is owner and founder of Lets Collaborate.

